Do you know what happens at 212°?
Think about it…….at 211° water is hot. But it doesn’t do anything. One more degree makes all the difference. At 212° water boils and becomes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. Raising your performance by one extra degree means the difference between something that is good, to something that powers the mind, fuels the motivation and creates positive results.
The 212 mindset is a beautiful and uncomplicated metaphor that should feed our every endeavor- consistently pushing us to make the extra effort in every task we undertake. 212 is a simple idea with singular focus- an actionable focus. These three numbers joined together creates a crystallizing message that absolutely assures life-altering, positive results for those willing to step up and choose to apply it.
There are reams of material written about self-help, motivation and surely more will be written. Some are slogan-driven, some are textbooks and others are re-worked prose. In too many instances people work harder to avoid the extra effort required to create real and sustainable growth. The 212 principal is all about persistence and additional action, the continual application of heat (effort) to whatever task or activity you undertake. Don’t settle for just meeting your target—by consistently doing more than what is asked of you will result in superior results. Beating targets, blowing through deadlines, and earning and doing more are what sets apart the true leaders and the pack.
One degree makes all the difference in the world; ….
“Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison American Inventor
“To get what we’ve never had, we must do what we’ve never done.” Anonymous
“The drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by violence, but by oft falling.” – Lucretius (Roman Philosopher)
Service is the lifeblood an any organization. Everything flows from and is nourished by it. Customer service is not a department…it’s an attitude. By consistently delivering 1 degree of better service; returning phone calls sooner, taking care of opportunities faster, delivering orders on time and being available, will help your team/organization live the 212 mantra. Doing this as a matter of positive outreach and purpose will provide measurable results to you and the team.
The secret, don’t wait to be told to provide the extra degree, start now, today, immediately. Doing so will set you on a course that brings the positive reinforcement and reminds you that success is assuredly over the next hill. Take it upon yourself to “think globally, and act locally.” In the end it’s all about self responsibility, action and raising the bar. Doing so before you are told, makes all the difference in the world. Time to crank it up a degree!