While the first impulse during these trying times might be to retire to a dark corner and sulk, the best business approach is to affix a smile of grim determination to your face and go hunting for opportunities.
When the going get’s tough, as we’re all feeling, it’s time to market yourself more so than ever. As long as you market strategically, efficiently and always in a positive manner; it’s one of the smartest things to do during such times.
Obviously, there’s plenty of bad news to go around. Don’t be one of those that add to the pessimistic side of life. On the contrary, be the positive force of change. In the business world, those that can identify and create additional revenue streams and the “better mouse trap” will never fret about what’s next; because you’re always in the process of creating your next opportunity. Lesson learned; always be receptive to new ideas, new methods and know that leaning towards optimism is always your best choice.
Steve’s list of must do’s to insure you are well positioned in your current role and ready for your next opportunity;
Remain positive especially in trying times- people prefer to be around others that are uplifting, positive and make things happen. Your mate and boss are not exempt from this list.
Research without rest- know your options, know your competition, know what you need to do…and do it!
Identify opportunities- open mind, open ears, and shut mouth.
Take action, even without perfect direction- don’t wait for the nudge, get in gear and make something happen EVERY DAY!
Make your boss look good in all you do- when your boss looks good, you look good. I’m not talking about kissing you know what. On the contrary, well intended kissing up will almost always backfire. Do your job and more, ask to help your boss complete a research project and do it perfectly.
Being open to new ideas will create an opportunistic and optimistic mindset. This mindset will help direct your efforts and channel your energy to get things done on time, under budget and drive a positive image of yourself to everyone around. Repeated over time will insure to your boss and those around you, that you are a keeper, especially in these uncertain times.
Now get out there and make something happen today. Don’t wait for the kick in the pants, or the not so subtle suggestion.