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Friday, May 30, 2008

What a week....

Trying something new can be scary, even terrifying if you're not the type that welcomes change. Easy for me to say, but when ever change comes your way-- after a few stomach turns, get it within yourself to challenge yourself. By doing so, you will forever made a positive and lasting impression on your subconscious mind. The subconscious is the part of the brain that triggers the initial knee-jerk backwards, away from change, to somewhere in your brain that is safe. Or so the subconscious thinks.

The next time your subconscious initiates the physical pull back, take a second to tell your presuppositional thoughts to take a back seat. Step forward to do what your mind says no to. You'll be amazed at what you'll be able to do. Get good at telling your presuppositional subconscious that you are taking charge and do something fun and unexpected, something that serves or betters your neighbors. It will serve three purposes; opens you up to new possibilities, serves mankind, and by doing so, makes the challenge less daunting the next time.

"Man is made, that whenever anything fires your soul, impossibilities vanish."- Steve Harden

1 comment:

Tom said...

Changes are always uncomfortable at first. Sitting in comfort won't get anyone very far though!