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Friday, September 26, 2008

When uncertainty comes.........

How long has it been since you've experienced adversity, uncertainty and a sense of "funk"? Last week, last month, last year? Today's blog is all about accepting the challenges life throws your way with a sense of expectation, regardless your pre-suppositional mind set. How’s that for a phrase? You’re probably asking yourself what the heck is a “pre-suppositional” mind set? I know I did the first time I heard the phrase from the great Dr. Peter Warchowski. Dr. Warchoski is a professor at the University of Maryland with credentials longer than my outstretched arms.

If you’re like me, I wanted to double check the definition of “suppositional.” In order to understand, articulate and grow from knowledge, we must first “seek to understand.” After referring to the Marion Webster’s Dictionary my pre-suppositional thought of the word suppositional was correct. In that to suppose; is to have an opinion, an assumption or hypothesis. Hence, a pre-suppositional mind set means to “have your mind inclined or set to believe a certain way. I share this background to present my next observation.

Everything you do, think or act is done through your unique “pre-suppositional” structure or mind set. Every reaction is first viewed in your pre-suppositional structure; where you have a few precious seconds to manage and possibly alter your expectations and reactions. Thereby, setting a mental course that you control; allowing you to remain calm, at peak performance and open to new ideas. This is especially helpful when you expect a tough meeting, or confrontation. Go into these type meetings with an open mind, expecting the best. Where you’ve mentally rehearsed the positive outcome, and expected push backs. You are mentally prepared for any outcome. By keeping your mind nimble and on a swivel, trying to view your blind spots, you will always be prepared for what life throws your way.

While attending Dr. Warchowski’s seminar, and because I do not like psycho-babble, I was prepared to walk out because I thought this guy was a bag of proverbial hot air. That was until we started taking assessment tests, and conducted several exercises and experiments that proved the point of pre-suppositional structure well beyond any reasonable measure. For this blog, my message is one of positive expectation. It plays an integral role in outcomes of every situation, especially when the pang of uncertainty or adversity rises between you and your career, or relationships. Accept the fact that adversity and uncertainty allows your mind to stretch and create the good and positive side of your pre-suppositional. I am reminded every time I hear the first down beat of Lynard Skynard’s Sweet Home Alabama, of the first place I heard this song, what I was doing, what I was smelling, quite literally, through my pre-suppositional structure I’m taken back to that instant in time. It was a good time. Be aware of your pre-suppositional structure and let it take you where you want to go, open our mind, relax and accept the uncertainties thrown your way. I guarantee you’ll be a better person. You might even get a promotion, create deeper and more meaningful conversations and remain in control.

Live this quote from Thomas Pain, and you’ll be better tomorrow than you are today, “I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” One-day-better, think it, be it, do it. My best to you always. - Steve

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