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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Power of Joy

The Power of Joy…

Too often in life we let the joy in our life escape through work, stress, lack of sleep and life itself. Building excuses and walls reinforcing us to grow-up, reminding us that life is serious stuff and pressing so hard what little joy remains at the end of the day is severely diminished.

I know it’s easy to say, “Be joyful in all you do,” and a lot more difficult to live this mantra. Forty four days ago I subscribed to a 100 Day Challenge, urging us to finish the year strong. Today’s message hit me like a ton of bricks. Today’s message was all about JOY, a simple 3-letter word and the profound affect it has on all of us.

The feeling of Joy is all encompassing, affecting every facet of life, good, bad or indifferent. Clinical and lifestyle research confirms that Joy is a choice. We’re told throughout life to “grow-up,” “act your age,” “why are you so cheerful,” “life is serious,” and on and on. By the time we’re 10, we’ve heard these types of phrases more than 10,000 times. Even the most joyful of persons will be beaten down to grow up and be serious.

Joy is the lubricant of life, Joy is in the journey, and Child-like joy is therapeutic. I challenge you to replace the tape in your “grown-up” brain and reprogram your mind. Joy is a feeling that affects EVERY decision, every action and reaction. Try to remember how you felt, how you reacted and how it drove you to dream, have no fear and genuinely be excited for tomorrow, when you were 5 or 6. Back then we all had dreams to become a pilot, a fireman, doctor or president. It was the unbridled joy that fueled our dreams, and now the lack of joy that keeps a lid on what could be.

Much has been written on joy and the positive attributes it brings to our lives. Here are a few quotes to remind you of what others think of joy.
“Enjoy life, this is not a dress rehearsal” – C.S. Lewis
“Joy is the feeling of grinning on the inside” – Melba Colgrove
“Nothing I’ve ever done has given me more joy and rewards than being a father to my children” – Bill Cosby
“There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice; let them ever shout for joy, because thou defended them; let them also that love they name be joyful in thee” – Psalms 5:11

Joy is a virtue. Find joy in all you do. Joy is a choice. I challenge you to seek the lost joy in your life. Be thankful for your wife, children, co-workers and friends. If you make a calculated decision to be more joyful, I guarantee more joy will find you. The next time you’re confronted with an obstacle, your internal joy will help you create solutions, react smoothly and calmly and allow you to be more joyful and expectant of positive results.

With the Holidays looming, there is no better time to spread JOY. Make it a plan to spread joy over the Holidays and see what happens in your life.

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