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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Formula For Success...

There is no formula for success…or so you would think, because we hear about failure every day. We are bombarded with negatives on TV, the internet and well meaning friends. Everyone is living their own failures. Can we make success our default? The short answer is ABSOLUTELY YES!

The answer to my point above; there is no formula for success; I’m leaning on a friend for his insight and innovative thinking. Simon Sinek is a world traveler and mentor to 100’s of CEO’s for Fortune 500 Company’s; he is a strategic thinker and has the uncanny ability to make the most difficult challenges seem mundane. Simon’s comments on “there is no formula for success; meaning there is no specific quantity of ingredients that, if you mix them together, will make you successful. However, there is an equation for success.

Talent + Effort + Luck = Success

Winning the lottery, for example, takes all luck, no talent and minimal effort. The success, if you define success as making money, is real. The money has the same buying power as someone who worked hard for it, but the lottery didn't require much talent or effort and, as a result, is hard to repeat.

There are ball players, for example, who are born with remarkable talent who, with some effort, make it to the big leagues. There are also plenty of players who may not have as much talent but have a remarkable work ethic, put in a remarkable amount of effort and also make it to the big leagues. One is not more effective than the other; it is just a different balance of the equation. Both probably require some element of luck, however.

Talent is something you’re born with. Effort is something you apply. And luck is well…just luck. But all three matter for success.

Understanding this equation allows us to rely on our talents in some cases, put in a little extra effort in others and always appreciate the luck that helps along the way.

Perspective is a wonderful and often undervalued proposition; I encourage everyone to gain as much perspective of a challenge. Do the research, talk to other stakeholders, throw potential solutions on the wall, tear them apart, think, challenge the status quo, collaborate, laugh, try harder, re-write…that makes for great success and strengthens the team.

Let’s look at several people that have gained success in their profession and what they think it takes to get there…

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks other’s have thrown at him.” – David Brinkley

“Action is the foundational key to ALL success.” – Pablo Picasso

“Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.” – Dale Carnegie

Talent + Effort + Luck = Success

You know your strengths, as well as your short comings. Make it part of your DNA to modestly lean on your strengths, while working on what you think are your weaknesses through research, stepping out of your comfort zone to push yourself to do the things you know need to get done. And along the way, I’ve found the harder and smarter you work, the luckier you get.

The formula for success is not always easy, but it will always lead to enlightenment, new opportunities and a sense of accomplishment.

Let’s make 2011 the best year of our lives. If you can dream it, and put in the hard work, you will make great things happen and assuredly luck will find you.

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