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Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Never let anyone tell you no, who doesn't have the power to say yes" - Elenor Roosevelt

Get out of your "own" way to break through the barriers placed in front of you. Most of the obstacles are in your mind; think you can-- you can. Think you can't-- you're defeated from the beginning. Surpass your limits is all about removing the mental barriers and getting to the root of how to succeed, what steps to take towards making the right moves and setting yourself up for continued, long term success.

On a side note, I've recently discovered a product worth mentioning. While boating last weekend, for what seems like the 20th time, I lost my hat as we sped off to the far side of the lake. My buddy had a hat from HatTail, a cool hat with a clip that convienently hooks to his shirt. Never lose another hat, where to find this amazing product? Go to and "build a hat."

Hope you enjoy the Surpass Your Limits blog, I'll provide a weekly update. Sell hard, sell strategically, sell EVERYDAY! Cheers- Steve

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