If you knew five absolutely unstoppable ideas to increase your business, would you do them on a regular basis? How about if these five ideas were guaranteed to increase your bottom and top line, would you acclimate yourself and commit to trying them for 30 days?
A few months ago I finished a marketing seminar titled; “Piranha Marketing.” This self-guided seminar is as genius as it was applicable in today’s market place. The principle fact which the entire seminar is based upon is uncomplicated and focused like a laser beam; is to recognize the undeniable fact that “someone” is having measurable success in the same business you’re in. Look around, stack up your competition, I’m certain you know of at least one that is well ahead of the market in revenue, profits and ideas. Some how they’ve “cracked the code” in dealing with your customers; they’ve figured out how to deal with the ups and downs of the business cycle. It’s time for you to conduct some research, get inside your buyers mind and deliver better, timelier ideas now. “Piranha Marketing” will help unlock your creativity and look at your business through a new prism.
“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” –Charles DuBos
“The starting point of ALL achievement is desire!” –Napoleon Hill
It’s safe to say; we want to be the best, earn more and have fun doing what we do…sales. I’ve developed a simple reminder for keeping your sales mind uncluttered and focused. Think—Topsales, it’s what we all want. If you’re anything like me, you want to be perceived as the expert in your category, you want to be trusted and respected and it goes without saying, you want to lead in sales output. You want to be Topsales…
T- think
O- optimistic
P- proactive
S- strategic
A- action
L- lead
E- efficient
S- synergy
Piranha Marketing reinforces these points through ELF selling, the Happy Client Experience, the Champion Creator, the Testimonial Tidal Wave and the No-Slow Time System. The writers of Piranha Marketing have developed this seminar with your business in mind; slow growth, down economy, saturated with competition and challenging margins. First and foremost Piranha Marketing is about creating business that is ELF, easy, lucrative and fun. It is always a great time to do business, even in tough times. You need to figure out how you can make doing business with your company easy, lucrative and fun. The people you see having fun, growing their business today have figured it out. They’ve taken the time to learn what needs to be done and have planned accordingly. Regardless of your present situation, regardless of the economy, regardless of who is the leader of the country, regardless of your past, you can be a success. It all starts with planning to succeed, and knowing where you want to go.
Napoleon Hill, an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature has written extensively about the power of the mind. His most famous work, “Think and Grow Rich,” is one of the best-selling books of all time. One of Hill’s hallmark expression was, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill developed the five characteristics of Successful People;
Number One: Burning Desire
The most successful people in the world have a burning desire to succeed. A burning desire is absolutely critical.
Number Two: Specialized Knowledge
Individuals who want to have great success in marketing and in business, need to have specialized knowledge in the area of your business. Take the time to explore, think and know your business better than your competition and buyers.
Number Three: Decisiveness
The most successful people are decisive. It’s very important to make correct decisions. Successful people say, “You know what, I want to do it and I want to do it now.”
Number Four: Goal Oriented
The most successful people in the world are goal oriented. A goal unwritten is only a wish. Write it down.
Number Five: The Mastermind Group
The most successful people have one common characteristic: they belong to a Mastermind Group. A strategic set of high achievers that hold each other accountable to their goals and aspirations.
It’s time to TOPSALES your routine and to measure yourself against Napoleon Hill’s five characteristics of success.
“Great marketing makes selling easy and ideally unnecessary”- Steve Harden
In everything you do: try to inculcate the five characteristics listed above. If you do this for 30 short days, I guarantee you will be a positively changed person. Get out there and turbo-charge your life, make something special happen every day.
A few months ago I finished a marketing seminar titled; “Piranha Marketing.” This self-guided seminar is as genius as it was applicable in today’s market place. The principle fact which the entire seminar is based upon is uncomplicated and focused like a laser beam; is to recognize the undeniable fact that “someone” is having measurable success in the same business you’re in. Look around, stack up your competition, I’m certain you know of at least one that is well ahead of the market in revenue, profits and ideas. Some how they’ve “cracked the code” in dealing with your customers; they’ve figured out how to deal with the ups and downs of the business cycle. It’s time for you to conduct some research, get inside your buyers mind and deliver better, timelier ideas now. “Piranha Marketing” will help unlock your creativity and look at your business through a new prism.
“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” –Charles DuBos
“The starting point of ALL achievement is desire!” –Napoleon Hill
It’s safe to say; we want to be the best, earn more and have fun doing what we do…sales. I’ve developed a simple reminder for keeping your sales mind uncluttered and focused. Think—Topsales, it’s what we all want. If you’re anything like me, you want to be perceived as the expert in your category, you want to be trusted and respected and it goes without saying, you want to lead in sales output. You want to be Topsales…
T- think
O- optimistic
P- proactive
S- strategic
A- action
L- lead
E- efficient
S- synergy
Piranha Marketing reinforces these points through ELF selling, the Happy Client Experience, the Champion Creator, the Testimonial Tidal Wave and the No-Slow Time System. The writers of Piranha Marketing have developed this seminar with your business in mind; slow growth, down economy, saturated with competition and challenging margins. First and foremost Piranha Marketing is about creating business that is ELF, easy, lucrative and fun. It is always a great time to do business, even in tough times. You need to figure out how you can make doing business with your company easy, lucrative and fun. The people you see having fun, growing their business today have figured it out. They’ve taken the time to learn what needs to be done and have planned accordingly. Regardless of your present situation, regardless of the economy, regardless of who is the leader of the country, regardless of your past, you can be a success. It all starts with planning to succeed, and knowing where you want to go.
Napoleon Hill, an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature has written extensively about the power of the mind. His most famous work, “Think and Grow Rich,” is one of the best-selling books of all time. One of Hill’s hallmark expression was, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill developed the five characteristics of Successful People;
Number One: Burning Desire
The most successful people in the world have a burning desire to succeed. A burning desire is absolutely critical.
Number Two: Specialized Knowledge
Individuals who want to have great success in marketing and in business, need to have specialized knowledge in the area of your business. Take the time to explore, think and know your business better than your competition and buyers.
Number Three: Decisiveness
The most successful people are decisive. It’s very important to make correct decisions. Successful people say, “You know what, I want to do it and I want to do it now.”
Number Four: Goal Oriented
The most successful people in the world are goal oriented. A goal unwritten is only a wish. Write it down.
Number Five: The Mastermind Group
The most successful people have one common characteristic: they belong to a Mastermind Group. A strategic set of high achievers that hold each other accountable to their goals and aspirations.
It’s time to TOPSALES your routine and to measure yourself against Napoleon Hill’s five characteristics of success.
“Great marketing makes selling easy and ideally unnecessary”- Steve Harden
In everything you do: try to inculcate the five characteristics listed above. If you do this for 30 short days, I guarantee you will be a positively changed person. Get out there and turbo-charge your life, make something special happen every day.
I can't agree more that everyone should know who their competition is and where they stand in that line.
However, as a coach myself, helping others do that, I've discovered that most don't really understand the real measurements. They define "success" by "the ones that seem the most visible" or who have "great looking websites", and in some cases, have search engine positions, frequently for words that don't matter.
When I discovered that one success measurement might be those that have "the most business", "the most clients" and one way of measuring that is "how much actual web traffic they get" I started putting together a list of all the competition and the traffic they get.
It was an aha moment. 99% of the competition have almost no traffic. But when you find those that do, suddenly you KNOW who stands out.
Now it's just a matter of studying the right ones, the 1%. And you'll learn a LOT.
I realize that web traffic isn't always a 100% guarantee that they don't have other business, but most of the time if their web site marketing messages don't work, that indicates their messages elsewhere aren't working either.
Alan, thanks for responding. You're spot on with respect to "how do you define success?"
Every goal should have a part that includes "a measurement of success." It could be top or bottom line sales, an increase or improvement in brand positioning or as simple as making a commitment to strategically think and plan every day.
Too often, we race around trying to touch every thing we "deem" important or topical...today. Yet at the same time we fail to "make a connection." We've touched EVERY imaginiable piece of our goal. Yet me didn't learn or make the "right" connections. Which is why I'm a HUGE proponent of slowing the roll of business; sit, be quiet, listen to the inner self, talk with peers and other business partners and then start the planning process.
To your commonets on SEO and social networking; I just read the latest FastCompany article "Five Steps for Consumers Brands to Earn Social Currency." It's a great read and touches on your comments and how to measure success.
Keep planning, selling and winning hearts & minds. Cheers- Steve
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